These are some of the links to the rest of the world of independent
wrestling. EDI encourages everyone to check these out and to support independent
wrestling in your area.
Southern Championship Wrestling - The place
to go to see the hottest independent wrestling in the South.
WWO Wrestling- The force of wrestling on
the coast heading east fast.
Omega Wrestling - Home of such
stars as the Hardy Boyz, Venom, and Cham Pain.
IPWA Wrestling - Virginia's leading
independent wrestling promotion featuring stars like CueBall Carmichael.
NWA Wrestling - The driving force of
independents in the North.
Lodi- Toad's old tag team partner in Dangerous
Minds, and star of WCW.
Otto Schwanz - The site of the
"German Beef".
The Show, Shane Helms- Be it
singles or tag team, Shane is blowing up.
The Serial Thrillaz - Quite possibly the
hottest tag team on the Indy circuit today.
Foxy Lady- THE lady wrestler on the indy circuit
who is "all that without all that".
Scab- WWO standout who is
starting to invade SCW.
Juice - SCW Standout making a name for himself.
Chezrae the Idolmaker- "Bank It,
Baby", when Chez is in your corner. Manager to the stars.
Joe Rules- "IT's not just a
name,....It's a Fact!!!"
The Original Suburban Hoods- A
hot tag team from the north saying that "Bigger is Better"
Natrone Steele- WWO star
making his way to a ring near you.
News and Information:
Wrestlemaniacs - Your one stop spot for the
latest information on wrestling news and rumors.
The Indy Informer - The new place
to go for up to the minute details on the indy circuit.
Sandbox Monster- A new band in the triangle
starting to turn some heads and burn up clubs.